[情報] Tatis本週計畫將和老闆、總管、隊友見面

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Fernando Tatis Jr. Reportedly Plans to Meet with Padres Teammates, Execs This We ek http://reurl.cc/gMQz6Q Acee also reported Tatis would meet with Padres president of baseball operations A.J. Preller on Thursday and then speak to his teammates as a group in a separa te meeting. Tatis to meet with Padres executives, teammates later this week http://reurl.cc/QbW6G0 Tatis plans to meet with Padres President of Baseball Operations A.J. Preller on Thursday and will also address his teammates as a group and meet with team Chai rman Peter Seidler in separate meetings, a source said Monday night. The timing of those meetings has not been determined. 根據聖地牙哥聯合論壇報記者Kevin Acee的報導 Tatis本周四將會和教士老闆Peter Seidler、教士總管A.J. Preller、教士球員分別 見面 感覺會蠻尷尬的囧 -- http://twitter.com/talkingfriars/status/1558944927446286336 "I know I was nowhere near as mature as this 22-year-old adult is when I was 22. There’s a lot of trust, particularly between Fernando & A.J., which I’m sure came through pretty loud & pretty clear on the earlier Zoom call" This quote from Peter Seidler in 2021 aged well 我知道我22歲時,遠沒有這個 22 歲的成年人(Tatis)成熟 大家之間互相信任,尤其是Tatis和A.J. Preller By 2021教士老闆Peter Seidler http://i.imgur.com/sgHiP55.jpg
打七五折 http://i.imgur.com/oOlNRz6.jpg
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1660622169.A.3B5.html
1Fpolanco: 全裸土下座 08/16 11:57
2Fcena0605: 如果可以自願放棄長約就好了 08/16 12:00
3Frealmd: 14年3億4000萬鎂 才走沒幾年 教士哭哭 08/16 12:00
4Fcocojohn111: 名聲跟未來名人堂都沒了 錢不可能放棄 08/16 12:02
5FMarcPolo: 球衣打折欸XD 08/16 12:03
6FDarvish5566: 蓋小哩齁呦? 08/16 12:04
7FIsveia: 名聲跟名人堂真的還好,重點是錢一分都不能少XD 08/16 12:05
8Fkenkenken31: 下跪大會嗎? 08/16 12:06
9Fjimmich19: 長約到手了 名人堂無所謂啦 08/16 12:06
10FMJL1822: 有錢比名人堂重要多了 08/16 12:08
11FYao0815: 球衣蠻好看的 08/16 12:08
12FKitakami: 皮膚藥膏 是我冠軍的希望 08/16 12:09
13FTkukevin5566: 害Preller扛戰績下台的話直接轉黑粉 08/16 12:11
14Fzzs123344: 大約在手 名人堂 冠軍什麼哪重要 08/16 12:12
15Fall035: 錢到手 冠軍跟名人堂都可以不要 08/16 12:16
16Fsppray: 大概僅次魚王開船自撞事件,少年得志大不幸 08/16 12:18
17Fcoldeden: 七五折XD 08/16 12:37
18Fkenkenken31: 魚王事件原本是悲劇,後面被驗出啥?才翻轉 08/16 12:37
19Fchopinlee: 合約裡會有禁藥條款嗎? 08/16 12:43
20Fcom5949com: 探監 08/16 12:54
21FJoseIglesias: 禁賽沒薪水 合約裡根本不用寫 代言可能要吧 08/16 12:54
22FJoseIglesias: 要是被禁三次 教士也解脫了 08/16 12:55
23Fsppray: 問題教士就是以小帝士為臉面建隊的,現在感覺就是給長約 08/16 13:06
24Fsppray: 簽到歹子 08/16 13:06
25Fkyeh001: 球衣忍忍,等感恩節再下殺 08/16 14:02
26Fbigmango: 林智尖 08/16 18:52
27Fmcgrady100: 蓋笑哩齁優 天然植物提煉 08/16 19:15

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2022/09/27 21:47:24